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Not saying my age, but when I went to college there were no computers, maybe one large main frame with two or three terminals but nothing for any course work except for beginning computer. ( and it was not even there the first couple of years) So in our classes we used a "slide rule" Do...
Flash slide Show
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The weather channel has a desk top version that can be downloaded from In the upper right hand corner is a flash slide show called "Just for Fun." I would like to know how to make one like it because it has the controls I need and I really like the way it looks. I would...
Drywall corner technique
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Well, I am progressing with my seemingly endless bathroom remodel and have a few drywll/mudding questions: 1) What are some techniques for neatly mudding and sanding the top ceiling corners where the 2 walls and ceiling meet? I have a corner sponge which is great for the long 2 wall corners but...
Old slide projector
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Can anyone tell me where I can find the year this slide projector was made?Manumatic-Gold E Mfg-Chicago Ill. Serial no 60480 View more questions Search
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