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    vamshikrishna's Avatar
    vamshikrishna Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 19, 2006, 08:37 PM
    Sniffing with ettercap
    Hi pals I wanted to know about how to sniff my network using ettercap I am basically using ettercap 4 windows some times it gets hanged! So please help me out and am looking forward for suggestons on making sense of the data in the packets really!
    cajalat's Avatar
    cajalat Posts: 469, Reputation: 66
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    Jan 30, 2006, 11:16 AM

    I hope it isn't too late to answer your question...

    It is hard to tell why your Ettercap is hanging without more info. Sometimes a re-install of the application does the trick. However, if all you want to do is "sniff" the traffic coming in and out of your Windows machine then your best bet is Ethereal. It is available for Windows and it is free. You can use it to sniff any traffic (unicast and broadcast) in and out of your machine. Ettercap is designed for man-in-the-middle type LAN tricks where the traffic you're trying to sniff is NOT on the machine running Ettercap.

    Another option to analyze packets if you are a network administrator and your network equipment offers port mirroring is to establish a port mirror from the source/destination machines you're trying to sniff and send the traffic to the mirror where you can run Ethereal or tcpdump (for *nix).



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