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    dylouis85's Avatar
    dylouis85 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 10, 2019, 11:57 AM
    Digital signage (sort of)
    Thanks for reading. I work for a school, and we've got a smart-TV (fujicomm) that I want to act as a monitor and display particular signs to the students. I want to be able to add or delete jpgs and the monitor will display as a slideshow. Currently I do so through using a regular USB-key connected directly to the monitor. Is there a better way? I know about digital signage, but is there a way to similar have the monitor accessible through our network (it has WiFi and runs Android, can download apps, etc), and just add jpgs into a folder and it would just display everything as a slideshow automatically?
    farvaknowsbest's Avatar
    farvaknowsbest Posts: 199, Reputation: 8
    Junior Member

    Oct 5, 2020, 05:48 PM
    I am currently using a software called PiSignage that runs on Raspberry Pis with a server portion to manage them all. If you host the server yourself the license is $25 per player, but it is for life. This will allow you to do everything you requested, and more.
    InfoJunkie4Life's Avatar
    InfoJunkie4Life Posts: 1,409, Reputation: 81
    Ultra Member

    Oct 8, 2020, 08:46 AM
    The LG series TV's allow you to create slideshows simply by inserting a USB drive into the port on the back of the TV.

    You simply plug it in, then use the source list to view files on the television. I believe you can set loops of images and timers for how long each image is displayed.

    If this is not supported, there are other options:

    Search the available apps for something that allows you to connect over the network.

    Use a PC/Roku/Chromecast or other device to output the desired signage image via HDMI or VGA.

    Host a compatible web stream, and connect to it via the installed browser, or streaming app.

    Host a website (probably intranet) to show images and try to full screen them.

    I'm sure there are other ways as well...if you need more advice regarding these techniques post back and we'll see what we can do.

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