Junior Member
Feb 6, 2013, 09:44 AM
Are there ghosts?
My friend Surjit Singh Uppal said that he has seen ghosts, but I do not believe him. He says that he has once went to the railway crossings, and he beheld a few of the girls standing upon the railway track. They were wearing white garments. It was night time and he was horrified to watch them. He went near them, to touch one of them as they were very beautiful. All of a sudden, someone called from behind. Just when he looked backwards, he saw nobody, and when he turned to front, the girls were not there. Were they ghosts i.e. spirits?
Entomology Expert
Feb 6, 2013, 10:03 AM
I can't say for sure one way or the other about ghosts and spirits.
What I can say is that your friend is probably lying to you. There is that haunted train track story in every town I've ever lived in. There is also the story of the hitch hiking girl. The story about the kids in the bus by the train tracks. The story about the girl that jumped off the cliff. I could go on.
Feb 6, 2013, 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by odinn7
I can't say for sure one way or the other about ghosts and spirits.
What I can say is that your friend is probably lying to you. There is that haunted train track story in every town I've ever lived in. There is also the story of the hitch hiking girl. The story about the kids in the bus by the train tracks. The story about the girl that jumped off the cliff. I could go on.
Yes. They are called urban legends
Junior Member
Feb 6, 2013, 10:11 AM
But, there are certain people who can swear that the ghosts do exist. They take oaths at the name of almighty to claim that their claims are true. Please tell me if you have any proof of any ghost existing. Can there be? Personally I do not believe in any such claims. But many say they do.
One thing more - How is my English? Does not it sound to be of a non-native author? If yeah, tell me how can I improve the same?
Please also tell how can the tatoos be removed? Are they responsible for skin cancer?
Feb 6, 2013, 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by Story Writer
But, there are certain people who can swear that the ghosts do exist. They take oaths at the name of almighty to claim that their claims are true. Please tell me if you have any proof of any ghost existing. Can there be? Personally I do not believe in any such claims. But many say they do.
One thing more - How is my English? Does not it sound to be of a non-native author? If yeah, tell me how can I improve the same?
Please also tell how can the tatoos be removed? Are they responsible for skin cancer?
You are piggybacking different issues on this thread. Please start you own post regarding your tats and story writing.
Senior Member
Mar 21, 2013, 08:47 AM
Right now I see one ghost on your profile picture, sorry, no there is no such thing as ghost. You should ask your friend why he went to railway crossing, that could be very dangerous.
New Member
Mar 21, 2013, 12:35 PM
Ghosts do not exisist. The bible clearly states the dead are conscious of nothing. These are figments of imagination. Reality is the human mind enjoys the rush of fear.
Paranormal and Spiritual Interests
Mar 22, 2013, 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by chaz79mann
Ghosts do not exisist. The bible clearly states the dead are consious of nothing. These are figments of imagination. Reality is the human mind enjoys the rush of fear.
Yes, I believe the bible does strongly imply that human spirits go to their eternity. However, it does not deny the fact that spirit beings do exist. Demonic spirits are deceptive and serve the "father of all lies"... therefore it is possible that "ghosts" are demons.
To say that they are a figment of someone's imagination only shows that you have not encountered what others have... and it's actually quite insulting to those that have experienced the spiritual.
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