New Member
Feb 26, 2008, 01:39 PM
Spirit In My House.
I'm wondering... is there a site online where I can find out if someone had died in my house or on my property?
I have 2 roommates. One said she saw the shower handle turn on it's own... I questioned this. Until my other roommate told me that he felt small feet, like a child's, walking across his bed. When he looked up there was on one.
I haven't witnessed anything, unfortunetly, I'm not scared but I would like to know if there has been a death there.
Junior Member
Feb 28, 2008, 02:26 AM
I would try asking it to come forward (if there is anything there) and try and get to know it a little better.
New Member
Mar 4, 2008, 04:19 PM
I think you should try doing a mystic dance. Lol.
Junior Member
Apr 21, 2008, 12:26 PM
You could ask the person you bought the place from
Apr 21, 2008, 02:49 PM
No there is no web site, if there was some famous death there a web search of the address may pop something up. But you can ask past owners, neighbors and so on
Junior Member
Jul 31, 2011, 05:09 PM
Omg that's SCAREY lol... But you should ask a neighbor if there was anything that happen in the past few years. Or you can ask the person who sell you the house... Or also. Well to be honestly I'm kind of involved with ghost and demons. By my father and sister. I haved experience what your roommates had. So you should ask it at 12-3 who it is and what had happen. But you will have to get dirt cemetery and place it in a candle an that time. And it well tell you. Well I hope I helped. (: but remember if it confronts you make sure you do not get it mad.
Junior Member
May 29, 2012, 09:43 PM
Please do not do something stupid. Don't do something you are not used to without a spiritual adviser with u.
New Member
Jun 15, 2012, 05:37 AM
Please, if you listen to the advise about communication from some of the above answers you are heading for trouble. People shouldn't just say "do it" without explaining the proper way HOW to do it. That's like giving someone who has never driven the car keys and saying, "drive it."
Yes, I agree that you should ask around.
As for the shower door, the circumstances would have to be taken into consideration. The reason is most likely logical.
As for the footfalls on the bed... people tend to forget that intelligent animals such as dogs and cats can become ghosts. It is more likely that a dog or cat would walk across a bed than a child in life, so it is just as likely in death. So you may have an animal ghost. Incidentally, I have done countless in home cleansings for removing spirits. Animals are hard to remove because they 1- don't have the concept of death as we do, and 2- cats are just as stubborn dead as alive.
FYI. Having had a death on the property does not mean that it is haunted. A person could die overseas and return to his home after death. Although ghosts are known for haunting a place that held significant importance to them in life, good or bad, they are in no way tied down to any one particular place. They are free to go wherever they please. The reasons they stay in one particular place is a personal choice of that particular ghost. There are more premisses that are haunted that were never touched by tragedy.
I hope that this has helped.
Take care,
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