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I can see spirits
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I see spirits not only loved ones but also demons but they seem like their gathering somewhere
My breast have been feeling heavy and sore lately, and I'm eating more and feeling si
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My breast have been feeling heavy and sore lately, and I'm eating more and feeling sick at times. But my tubes are tied. Is it possible that I could still be pregnant and not know it?"
Seeing and feeling spirits
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How do I know if the spirits I see and feel are real?
Sore feeling or swollen feeling in vaginal opening, white thick substance
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For the past 2 days my vaginal opening has felt swollen and sore, and slightly itchy. Today some kind of fluid came out of it and got my pants wet, like I had spilled water on them, and I noticed when I went to the restroom, that there was a LOT of w thick like stuff all over my vagina lips, and... View more questions Search