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    kiraleigh18's Avatar
    kiraleigh18 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 7, 2012, 11:06 PM
    Seeing spirits, feeling presences, etc
    I think I have some untapped ability, whether it be just seeing spirits or knowing things or being psychic. Before he passed, a good friend of mine tried helping me meditate. He got feelings about things, knew some future events, and had vague, yet meaningful dreams. He wouldn't tell me what was going on with me, but he knew what I was/what I could or was going to do; he just wanted me to figure things out for myself. I had to find my own answers and truth. He unfortunately passed away this past July. And, honestly, everything that's been happening to me has only become more frequent since he died. However, I don't feel like this has to do with him.
    I get feelings about things, sometimes stronger than a gut feeling, but it's very random. I will know something unimportant, but it's usually just a detail or an occurrence that is quite literally going to happen in a minute. The biggest thing that happens to me is I see people. At first I thought I was hallucinating, but then it started happening more frequently. I see people in the corner of my eye who aren't there. They are pretty clear too, like I could describe them in detail, but when I look over, no one is there. I'll also wake up in the middle of the night to dreams or feelings. One night, I woke up several times feeling like it was more than just my husband and I in the room, and at one point, I woke up to a man in a bright coral suit laughing at the end of my bed. He fizzled away, like he was on a TV screen, and I fell back asleep. These visions of people don't scare me, but this keeps me awake at night, and the suddenness of seeing something that isn't there freaks me out or startles me.
    I also get serious tunnel vision, especially when I'm falling asleep or if I meditate. And I occasionally get major déjà vu.
    Nothing feels malignant, and it's all so random, but does this sound like anything familiar? My close friend tried helping me before, but he's no longer here to guide me. I need some real answers, here.
    hauntinghelper's Avatar
    hauntinghelper Posts: 2,854, Reputation: 290
    Paranormal and Spiritual Interests

    Nov 8, 2012, 03:49 PM
    Why do think things have to "feel" malignant? Don't you think it's possible for spirits to be deceptive?

    One of the reasons activity may be increasing since his passing is that the spirits that worked with and through him are now attaching to you.
    kiraleigh18's Avatar
    kiraleigh18 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 8, 2012, 03:58 PM
    Because I just seem to know things, like a gut feeling. If they are spirits, they feel more like they are trying to make me see or connect with them and whatever I can do. Some feel like they are moving me, like screwing with me because I can't see them straight on and I feel like my senses are going haywire
    kiraleigh18's Avatar
    kiraleigh18 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 8, 2012, 04:00 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by kiraleigh18 View Post
    Because i just seem to know things, like a gut feeling. If they are spirits, they feel more like they are trying to make me see or connect with them and whatever i can do. Some feel like they are moving me, like screwing with me because i can't see them straight on and i feel like my senses are going haywire
    Sorry, *meeting with me*
    kiraleigh18's Avatar
    kiraleigh18 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 8, 2012, 04:01 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by hauntinghelper View Post
    Why do think things have to "feel" malignant? Don't you think it's possible for spirits to be deceptive?

    One of the reasons activity may be increasing since his passing is that the spirits that worked with and through him

    are now attaching to you.
    Also, that second part makes sense. He saw spirits
    hauntinghelper's Avatar
    hauntinghelper Posts: 2,854, Reputation: 290
    Paranormal and Spiritual Interests

    Nov 8, 2012, 06:54 PM
    They are screwing with you... and the secret to seeing spirits is this... they allow themselves to be seen whenever and by whoever they want. It's their ability to manifest, not yours to sense them. If you are feeling something, it is them causing it... not an ability you possess.

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