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Irish myth
[ 5 Answers ]
The Night before my uncle died there came this loud and heavy knock to my window and when we looked out we could not see anything. My Granny believes that it was a sign and we then believed it when we heard about my uncle. There is a fairy called a wichtleins that sends 3 knocks to a person to warn...
Probably just a myth about sex
[ 10 Answers ]
Do any type of jew actually have sex through a sheet because they are never suppost to see each other naked or something like that.
The Al-Qaeda myth.
[ 35 Answers ]
The Al-Qaeda myth. Was Bush and Blair miss-led, or are they guilty of the fraud and deception too, was it just the neo-conservatives? Who or what was behind the idea of a well organized group with cells all over the world just waiting to strike called Al-Qaeda? :)
Please explain this myth
[ 17 Answers ]
I was recently told that you shouldn't feed a baby watermelon during his/hers second summer. I'm sure this is an old wives tale, but the person who told me couldn't remember why you shouldn't. Has anyone ever heard this, & do you know why you shouldn't? Also, I was just reading some postings, & I'm... View more questions Search