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A black and white movie with a man's shoulder growing an eye became half man & gorill
[ 1 Answers ]
What is the title to this black and white movie where a man's shoulder grew an eye on it and slowly formed into half man & half gorilla. Towards end of the movie the man and the gorilla split apart from each other fighting and the gorilla ended up being thrown into a volcano.
Picture of half man half animal
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Do you have picture of half man half animal.
Half man half robot with a tractor looking body
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I saw a movie years ago maybe in 1987 about a man that his plane crashes and they turn him into a half man half robot with a tractor looking parts as feet. Does any one know the name?
What do you call a half man and half goat in mythological times?
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Please help not sure what it is called.
Half bat-half man
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I am trying to find the name of a movie from the 70's... There is a mad scientist on an island who intertwines animal dna with human dna... it's probably cheesy fx with costumed people. I saw it when I was a kid so I was amazed... I know there was a butterfly woman and at the end a half bat-half... View more questions Search