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My house is haunted!
[ 17 Answers ]
I've always had ghostly experiences since I was 2 years old. I am 51 now. We just purchased another home 5 months ago. The very first night we stayed here (my gr'daughter and I) hubby was out of state working, we were going to sleep in one of the bedrooms.I heard a bunch of whispering, like a...
Is my house haunted ?
[ 45 Answers ]
Is my house haunted? Things keep moving around ill put them in one place then ill find them in another. My little boy who is autistic sees things but he can't tell me what he's seeing but stares and giggles. I hear my name called but when I ask who's shouting me no one in house has. I get strange...
Is My House Haunted
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:confused: When I was in third grade I had a friend over and we were playing with the flashlight in the total darkness. I pointed the flashlight to a corner of the room and a watery looking object was there it did look like it was moving. So we hurry and shut off the light and then the fan just...
Is the house haunted
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I've been going round a friend of mines house now for about a year. Everything was fine until about three months ago when strange things started to happen it started with small things like things being moved or going missing and then finding them in different places where I know for a fact I did...
Is my house haunted
[ 11 Answers ]
I Have Been Experinceing Some Weird Things In My Home Well First There Was A Smell That No One Uses And It Passed Through The Room And Then Lingerd Over The Other End. Then A Razor Keeps Appearing Behind The Toilet And My 2 Year Old Sister Is Running Around Saying Cath Them But What Can She See?... View more questions Search