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A 15 lined free verse poem on relationships
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I'm not anygood at poems and need help on a poem about relationships and it has to be a 15 lined free verse poem. Does anyone have anything that couls help me?
Can I use CLR in lined toilet tank
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Can I use clr in a lined toilet tank?
Help with Proof: A cents in B coins --> B dollars in A coins?
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Hi, I need to solve this proof put I cannot seem to figure it out. I'd really appreciate some help! If a dollar is 100 cents and coins come in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 cents. Suppose that one can make A cents using exactly B coins. Prove that it is possible to make B dollars using exactly A...
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The back wall and bottom of my GSC23KSW side by side freezer was coated with ice and fan was making a clicking noise. When I looked inside the ice maker I found the plastic "chute" inside the ice container. This happened before. The "chute" (part # 867) was moved out of position and water ran down... View more questions Search