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[ 5 Answers ]
Salam... I want to know how can I check what my dreams mean... I mean is there any book that can tell me what my dreams exactly mean or give me a clue about the dreams as I have some dreams that I really want to know what they exactly mean.. Thank you Allah Hafiz
A boy dreams up plans to some machine also dreams he is flying
[ 2 Answers ]
I saw a movie in the 90's that I can't remember the name of. All I can remember is some boy has these dreams where he sees plans for some sort of machine bit by bit and he is flying in the dreams.
What are dreams exactly?
[ 9 Answers ]
How do people feel about dreams.. I dream all the time and its usually of my ex and I, and we're back together... I don't take this dream to heart because I consider myself a pretty rational guy. But what are dreams? Are they just what we want? And I'm not posting this because I want to hear...
Dreams from where?
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi there I am a 28yr male and I know that you have lots and lots of dreams a night but most you can't remember that was the case for me up until the past 6 or 7 days now. THis is something that normally I would keep to myself and just laugh it off but its every time I go to sleep now.I can never...
[ 1 Answers ]
There is this dream that I have had quite while ago but it's still in my mind, can any one interpret it for me? View more questions Search