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I think me or my house is haunted
[ 4 Answers ]
I'm sort of used to the feeling but when I'm alone it scars me I think there might be two or three ghosts one my grandmother who died a few years ago she was in her 70s well me and my mother get this the most we feel like someone is looking at us we smell the smell at my grandmothers house used to...
Is my new house haunted?
[ 11 Answers ]
We built and moved into a house 8 months ago. We have one room that we had some Bali statues and tribal mask in for decoration. Since we added these we have had a few people house watch for us who did not like the room. My mother stayed and put all the Bali stuff in a bag in the garage because they...
My house is haunted!
[ 17 Answers ]
I've always had ghostly experiences since I was 2 years old. I am 51 now. We just purchased another home 5 months ago. The very first night we stayed here (my gr'daughter and I) hubby was out of state working, we were going to sleep in one of the bedrooms.I heard a bunch of whispering, like a...
House Haunted
[ 4 Answers ]
well basically i wanna know if my house is haunted. i keep on hearing voices calling my name, i asked my mother if she keeps on calling me and the answer is always no.. i see things, im not sure if its my imagination, but they seem real enough. please help me! Jenni XxX
Is my house haunted?
[ 4 Answers ]
Hi. Whenever my family is in a bedroom or sleeping and when I am with my cat, we hear things moving, and sometimes I see something white going by and my cat looks at it she looks like she is going to run.This moring I was making a tea, the kettel was full, I looked in it it was only half. I told my... View more questions Search