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I am being haunted what can I do ?
[ 3 Answers ]
I sat down with a friend and lit a candle , turned all the lights off ,we sat there really quiet , my friend asked if there was anyone there and to makea sound to let us no we heard tappin coming from beside me , it went on for a while , than stopped . Thaan we keept doing it , a few more sounds...
How do you know if you are being haunted
[ 2 Answers ]
I sometimes feel I am being watched in our house, I feel the house does have ghosts but yet to see any.Dunno but really interested in this
Am I being haunted or something else.
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Okay, I have to give background information on this small subject. I don't know if I'm being huanted, spiritually connected to someone, or they're my guardian angel or what have you. It started one year ago March 28, 2008. It was the official one year anniversary of an attempt of suicide the...
Haunted or not
[ 2 Answers ]
I think my house is haunted somebody please give me tips on how to tell if it's a good spirit or not because I am really freaked out because I feel something behind me and its scary.:eek:
Am I being haunted?
[ 2 Answers ]
The first time I expirianced something wiered I was at my old home and I heard a noice and when I looked up at my drewer I saw my dools face turned downed when it was originally straight and then as time went by I had a slumber party with my friends and a doll spoke and it had no batteries but... View more questions Search