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    M_F's Avatar
    M_F Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 11, 2009, 02:11 PM
    Starting a mailing list
    I'm in the middle of designing a website and I'm putting up a "join our mailing list" page and I don't know where to start.

    What I'm looking for is:
    Affiliation (school or group)
    Spam blocker where you have to enter funny looking txt to be verified as a real person

    And then a check box to ask if it is OK to be added to our mailing list and receive news about our events.

    Is there a way to set up a program that automatically adds the people signing up to our mailing list? If so, how is that done?

    FYI: I'm using bluehost

    Then an unsubscribe feature

    I have no idea where to start. Can I get some help please? Thanks
    crigby's Avatar
    crigby Posts: 4,343, Reputation: 107
    Outdoor Power Equipment Expert

    Sep 4, 2009, 05:26 PM

    I realize that you think you "over your head" here, and probably a bit uninitiated in this.
    BlueHost is your ISP; seems to be a good one.
    They will host 100 databases, give you PHP5, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Perl, CGI, etc. This I could find out by visiting their website and having them try to sell me. All the tools are in place.
    You must create a database to house your mailing list (one of the 100) and have a CGI process an HTML form to populate the database. This paragraph describes what you have to do to achieve your objective, but I am not a customer and cannot access the system as you can.
    I just do not know what scripts they have in their libraries. I did not say it was easy, but you may learn something along the way. I am not averse to assistance, but I need you to see what you have available to help more.
    PS that is captcha to verify that it is a person, a university project and available for free with a search of that term.

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