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    kenosha's Avatar
    kenosha Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 23, 2008, 05:32 PM
    Song artist and song title
    I was trying to find out who sing this song name Angel and I was also trying to figure out a song that patti labelle and ronald isley sings.
    Couchcarrot's Avatar
    Couchcarrot Posts: 590, Reputation: 41
    Senior Member

    Nov 23, 2008, 06:09 PM
    Patti Labelle and Ron Isley sang a duet together called "Gotta Go Solo."
    That information is at the link below. When you get to the web page,
    Scroll down until you get to the 2000's (this decade). This info is about
    Three inches below the picture of her with the wide-brimmed, black hat on, in the
    3rd paragraph under 2000's, toward the right side of the page.

    Patti LaBelle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    There were a LOT of songs with the title, "Angel," and some had other
    Words in the title in addition to angel. If you are referring to the one
    By a male singer with only "Angel" in the title, there's one by Lionel Ritchie,
    Nicole's dad, at the link below. Maybe you'll be able to tell by the lyrics
    Shown at the link whether it's the one you're looking for:

    Ritchie Lionel - Angel LYRICS
    hauser5's Avatar
    hauser5 Posts: 699, Reputation: 92
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    Nov 23, 2008, 06:11 PM

    Aerosmith and Jon Secada both have songs called "Angel"

    Those are the first and only two I can think of with that exact title.

    Give me more details about the song if possible.
    hauser5's Avatar
    hauser5 Posts: 699, Reputation: 92
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    Nov 24, 2008, 06:17 PM

    "Angel" by Amanda Perez
    Couchcarrot's Avatar
    Couchcarrot Posts: 590, Reputation: 41
    Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2008, 12:30 PM
    The artist Amy Studt also recorded "Angel," with the same lyrics. In my mind,
    I remember a song quite a few years ago with a Black female singing a song
    That started "Angel, An-ge-el-el-el," with a voice similar to Toni Braxton's,
    But for the life of me, I can't remember who it was. Here's a link to the
    One by Amy Studt:

    Amy Studt - Angel LYRICS

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