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Waterloo Road
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Who dies in the explosion in the last episode of waterloo road series 3? I've heard that davina does but I don't believe it. Please tell me the truth!
Road Bike
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I am looking for a distance race bike. I am training for a triathlon. I have found some really cheap bikes on There is a nice 24 speed for 450. The specs are all right too. I was wondering if there are cheaper, possibly nicer, bikes that are good for distance riding.
Lonliness on the road!
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Hello, this is a first for me but need some input on what to do. I live in California and I work on the railroad. My job takes me across the United States and I am out for 6-8 weeks at a time and home for only one week. I try going out when I am home but I feel that I won't really meet someone who...
Road maintenance
[ 12 Answers ]
We access our home by a privately owned road (through easements) shared by 15 owners. There is a bridge that is badly in need of repair. Half the owners are willing to share in the cost of the repair. The other half refuses. There is no road maintenance agreement. If the bridge fails, the only... View more questions Search