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    nhooix's Avatar
    nhooix Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 9, 2008, 06:31 AM
    Anyone the music name in this video?
    Any help would be nice, thanks

    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
    Uber Member

    Jul 9, 2008, 06:43 AM

    Forever has gone,
    today is infinity
    and yesterday's dreams,
    today a faint memory
    forever has gone,
    today is infinity
    it's time to move on,
    forever has gone...

    Two eyes in the face of billions of voices
    I saw the flashing lights
    move further in the distance
    the dreams was not meant to be

    And outside these walls that I have created
    the sound of stars colliding
    echoes in the distance
    and dreams they shutter

    Let it break into a thousand pieces
    let the wind blow it all away
    dreams are fragile but our hearts grow
    stronger from the memories...

    Let it break into a thousand pieces
    let the wind blow it all away
    dreams are fragile but our hearts grow
    stronger from the memories...

    Renew... the light... the dream...

    Forever has gone,
    today is infinity
    and yesterday's dreams,
    today a faint memory
    forever has gone,
    today is infinity
    it's time to move on,
    forever has gone...

    Time... to... move... on... |
    it's... time... to... move... |x2

    Outside these walls that I have created
    the sound of stars colliding
    echoes in the distance
    and dreams they shutter

    Let it break into a thousand pieces
    let the wind blow it all away
    dreams are fragile but our hearts grow
    stronger from the memories...

    Let it break into a thousand pieces
    let the wind blow it all away
    dreams are fragile but our hearts grow
    stronger from the memories...

    Renew... the light... the dream...

    Forever has gone,
    today is infinity
    and yesterday's dreams,
    today a faint memory
    forever has gone,
    today is infinity
    it's time to move on,
    forever has gone...

    Time... to... move... on... |
    it's... time... to... move... |x2

    YouTube - Lia (I've Sound) - Disintegration

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