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Looking for a late 80's/early 90's cartoon children's movie...
[ 11 Answers ]
I must have seen this movie a hundred times and I have no clue what it is. The characters were creatures of some sort - mice, hedgehogs, something. The little sister of one of the mice, we'll call them for clarity's sake, got really sick and all the mice took her to an old woman mouse in the woods...
Late 80's early 90's TV show
[ 16 Answers ]
Trying to remember the name of a TV show from the late 80's or early 90's about a guy who fought crime in a black robotic looking suit... not batman... live action... drove a modified motorcycle. He had an African American buddy who whore classic sunglasses that flipped up... That's all I...
Late 80's early 90's Saturday morning TV show
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I believe this show is from the late 80's or early 90's. It is about a father and daughter who found a "portal" to a prehistoric land. It aired on Saturday mornings. Any ideas ?
Ok, another lost movie title, late 70's early 80's
[ 1 Answers ]
When I was a kid I saw it several times, but I can't remember the title. So I remember this much. There's 2 kids, who sneak on a boat. They find out about this message in a bottle from some relative. So they go on this crazy advernture, sliding down snowy mountains, meeting people, and at the...
Kids movie from late 80's early 90's I think
[ 11 Answers ]
There was a movie that I watched once when I was younger about a young girl who had dolls that came to life and they lived in a land that she could go to if she stepped through her mirror. I know it is not Alice and Wonderland. This movie was about the girl's grandma was getting older and she... View more questions Search