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    natl's Avatar
    natl Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 7, 2006, 08:10 PM
    Title of 80's kid fantasy movie
    This movie came on YTV (Canadian youth television channel) all the time when I was a kid, which was in the early 90's but the movie I think was made probably in the early 80's. What I remember most is these kids going to this fantasy land, I think the kids meet this blonde midget, little guy in a field... anyway, what really sticks out is that this land worships this giant blob in the ground that when you put people in it , they turn to butterfly people. There was queen and king present at this butterfly/blob ceremony.
    So if you remember a movie with a giant god like blob that turned people into butterfly people please let me know the movie's title!

    (The people sort of looked cirque de soleil-ish.)
    Purukivel's Avatar
    Purukivel Posts: 1,177, Reputation: 242
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    Jun 18, 2007, 05:55 PM
    This is the 1987 Canadian movie "The Great Land of Small", in which a leprechaun takes two kids from our world into a magical realm that includes a floating boulder-thing called Slimo that transmogrifies creatures into butterflies. Some of the people looked Cirque du Soleil-ish because they WERE from Cirque du Soleil. In a kind and just world, they would never have been seen again. Curse you, infernal French-Canadian clowns!
    Brookklynn's Avatar
    Brookklynn Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 10, 2009, 12:13 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by purukivel View Post
    this is the 1987 canadian movie "the great land of small", in which a leprechaun takes two kids from our world into a magical realm that includes a floating boulder-thing called slimo that transmogrifies creatures into butterflies. Some of the people looked cirque du soleil-ish because they were from cirque du soleil. In a kind and just world, they would never have been seen again. Curse you, infernal french-canadian clowns!
    Purukival thank you so much I have been looking for this movie for sooooooooooo long. Thank you thank you!! A million thanks!!

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