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I need help with an 80's or early 90's fantasy movie title!
[ 5 Answers ]
I stumbled into this place and it looks like someone may be able to help me with this... I've been after a movie title for something like the last ten or fifteen years, and just lately it's started bugging me afresh. I must have seen it when I was super small, and only remember fragments of the...
80's sci/fantasy - Title lost and forgotten
[ 2 Answers ]
This has been an ongoing search for 10 years now. When I ask other people about it they look at me like I'm from outerspace or something. I can only remember a short scene from movie. There is a young girl, maybe 10yr-12yr and she is in the bathroom looking up at this white old spice glass bottle...
80's fantasy movie title needed
[ 2 Answers ]
PLEASE help me figure out what movie this is... It has to be an 80's movie although it could be very, very late 70's (78 or 79)... All I remember is that it was about a little boy (maybe 8-10) who lived with his grandparents and his grandmother asked him to go to the corner store to buy...
Title for 80's fantasy movie with magic slide
[ 2 Answers ]
Hi. I recently had a memory about a fantasy movie that I saw in the early nineties, but I'm assuming it was older than that, probably from the eighties. All I remember is a boy and girl, brother and sister I think, end up in this magical land with all these strange people and this couple who may...
Title to an 80's fantasy movie
[ 5 Answers ]
My friends and I are on a quest to find the title to a fantasy movie from the 80's. All we can remember is it has two kids about 9-10 on a quest to find a man in a castle w/ a heart of stone and to kill him w/ a sword they get late in the movie. They do kill the guy, when they do, his heart... View more questions Search