New Member
Oct 30, 2004, 12:14 AM
Title to an 80's fantasy movie
My friends and I are on a quest to find the title to a fantasy movie from the 80's. All we can remember is it has two kids about 9-10 on a quest to find a man in a castle w/ a heart of stone and to kill him w/ a sword they get late in the movie. They do kill the guy, when they do, his heart becomes real. They are playing panflutes I believe throughout the whole movie, and somehow it helps them on their quest. It isn't animated or anything, but if you could help me find the title that would be lovely and we could die happy people being able to watch it one more time. Thanks
New Member
Nov 17, 2004, 03:17 PM
The name of the movie you're looking for is Mio in the Land of Faraway. You should be able to find it on DVD.
It was released in 1987. It is based on the novel Mio, My Son by Astrid Lindgren, author of Pippi Longstocking.
Great flick. I loved it when I was a kid.
New Member
Nov 17, 2004, 04:16 PM
Thank you very much! My friends and I are grateful to you! ;)
New Member
Aug 17, 2005, 12:37 PM
Yes!! Yessssss!!
YESSS!! YESSS!! THANK YOU!! AFTER YEARS (10) OF SEARCHING, FINALLY I HAVE FOUND SOMEONE THAT ACTUALLY REMEMBERS THIS MOVIE!! I couldn't get the image of the little boy grabbing onto the floating head out of my memory, and every time I asked someone my age about it they all looked at me like I was crazy. THANK YOU!! I, too, can die happy! :D
New Member
Sep 2, 2005, 08:41 AM
This is So Awesome I have been looking for this movie for years I am so excited to finally know the name of it I want to go but it now.
New Member
Nov 15, 2005, 09:35 PM
I just wanted to say thank you! This thread has also made me able to finally rest after almost 10 years of searching... the same image was also stuck in my head and I find it really strange that all of us were drawn to this same thought. I'd explained this movie's plot to dozens of people and all of them thought I was completely insane. I guess this truly is a cult movie... OH I'M SO HAPPY FINALLLLLLY I CAN REST! TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTY!
PS: If you ever do read this feel free to email me at [email protected]
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