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Searching for book title & author unknown?
[ 0 Answers ]
I read a book in the 1960s about a mysterious building where troubled people went to talk out their problems. There was no-one there except a 'presence' but they always managed to solve their problems by talking them through. Right at the end an image of Jesus on the cross was revealed.
Can a 150 amp meter panal handel a 100 amp, 40 amp, 30 amp and 30 amp brakers.
[ 2 Answers ]
My meter panal is a 150amp panal. I have a 60 amp sub panal coming off it a 30amp to my stove a 30 to dryer and a 40 to the a/c. i want to upgrade the 60 amp sub panal to a 100 amp panal. Will the 150 amp meter panal handel it or do i need to have a 200 amp meter panal installed
B&W Movie Title?
[ 3 Answers ]
I remember a movie from the 40's or 50's about a Minister and his family who move to a new town. The Minister makes many changes which upset the stuffy members of the congregation who arrange a scandal involving the Minister's kids to get them sent away. Eventually the Minister corrects the... View more questions Search