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In search of Japanese anime movie title
[ 3 Answers ]
Hi I'm Wolfspirit, I'm 21 yrs old and I need help in finding out a title for a Japanese anime movie that was made possibly in the mid 80's - early 90's. The movie involved Humans who were going around destroying androids because they didn't want them to reproduce and have offspring. Well...
Lifetime Movie
[ 1 Answers ]
I am trying to obtain the title for a movie aired on lifetime. It was about a family with two little girls who were allergic to sunlight and have to live in the dark. They had to go through alot of court cases because it was such an unusual thing and nobody believed them.please help me:confused:...
Title of lifetime movie
[ 1 Answers ]
The movie was about a guy who had a heart transplant and his family researched the person who donated the heart... if you know the title please let me know :)
We couldve been a lifetime movie I swear.
[ 1 Answers ]
Okay before I get into this,I just want to warn everyone.We were really crazy.ok... I had a crush on this guy that was a translator at my middle school when I was twelve.He was nine years older then me.His student was a year above me and when he moved on up to the high school,so did...
In search of the title of a movie!
[ 2 Answers ]
The title of the movie that I am looking for is a movie from my childhood. I only remember certain things about the movie so I hope someone can help me out. The movie it's self is based around characters simalur to "the league of extrodinary gentalment". With the whole group of more... View more questions Search