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80's magical nymph cartoon movie
[ 2 Answers ]
Hi guys! I have been perterbed by this question for a very long time. Back in the early 80's, I was obsessed about a children's movie that contained a water nymph and a earth/fire nymph. The water nymph was a beautiful girl with blue, grey and purple tones, I think she lived in something...
80's cartoon movie?
[ 6 Answers ]
Okay all I remember is on character (gnomish) had a candle on his head, and at some point they were going over a dark lake with spikes coming out of it, also at some point I remember this line, "Arise fairies and dance," proceeding by fairies emerging from a ring of mushrooms and dancing in a...
80's Cartoon Movie Title
[ 4 Answers ]
Hello, I have asked all of my friends and even my brother about this movie. The only thing I can remember is that the main character may be a mouse (?? ) and is with his mother and they come to a stream or muddy area and he sees a can of either dog food or something with a tomato on it and...
Kid's movie from the 80's or possibly a show/cartoon
[ 4 Answers ]
There's another movie or cartoon/movie I've thought of for many years but can't remember much about to figure out the title. It's very vague and I'm not sure if I remember it correctly. I think it was about a little girl or a little girl and boy, possibly siblings. It also involves little...
Help WIth an 80's HBO Cartoon Movie
[ 1 Answers ]
The movie I remember was a cartoon Japanese style movie. I remember seeing it on HBO almost 17 to 18 years ago. At the beginning there was a mother pegasus on a cloud with her babies. Soemehow one of the babies ended up on earth where he came to a young woman and believe there was a black cat.... View more questions Search