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Trying to find black and white movie
[ 4 Answers ]
Trying to find the name of a movie I believe was made in the 1930's or 1940's in which a man murders an old woman and cements her into a fireplace.I remember seeing this movie only once about twenty years ago.
50's black and white movie
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What is the name of the 50's black and white movie set in the congo, and begins with the opening scene of a man riding on a bicycle and is slain by a machete wielding attacker?
Black and white energy movie
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Black and white movie about energy (electricity) and connecting to a higher power.
An old Black & White movie, help!
[ 2 Answers ]
I watched an old B & W movie about man who played a "downtrodden" individual to find out what it was like to live such a life. It was a social experiment on his part but he was really a movie director. A lady (his co-star) bought into his plight in life, initially. She bought him some coffee... View more questions Search