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What anime movie is there girl is kidnapped
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I have seen this comercial for an anime movie a long time ago that is about a young girl kidnapped by these people that fly in some kind of like boats and if her friend doesn't come and save her she is going to be forced to marry some guy... this is really bugging me. I hope you can help me.
Looking for movie about teen girl who was kidnapped
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It was a lifetime movie where a teenaged girl is abducted or kidnapped and held against her will it had this guy who wanted to marry her she was just learning how to drive the family car when this guy took her and forced her to drive a car for him I thought it had melissa joan hart in it but I was...
(new) Movie about girl kidnapped and taken to the mountains
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I am looking for the movie that came out recently about a girl that is kidnapped by a group of men and taken in to the mountains. The cover shows her huddled on a mountain side in the snow. I think it has a 3-4 word title. Any help appreciated! -Eric&Silvia
Movie with kidnapped girl
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I am looking for the movie with a little girl that was locked away in a basement room/cellar. The little girl does not talk and a woman comes to her rescue. But the woman is chased throughout the house by vicous black dogs and she escapes through the window. There is more to this movie, but this is...
Need to find the movie with a kidnapped girl
[ 1 Answers ]
I am looking for the movie with a little girl that was locked away in a basement room/cellar. The little girl does not talk and a woman comes to her rescue. But the woman is chased throughout the house by vicous black dogs and she escapes through the window. There is more to this movie, but this is... View more questions Search
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