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Movie quiz! Movie lovers please help me name this movie.
[ 3 Answers ]
There are not much hints. My brain does not work anymore cause I force it to think about the movie name in the past few months. The main characters' (forget is a girl or boy) mother is a famous writer; she wrote children story book. And her story book is about a little hero called Donnie (?)...
It's a horror 3d movie. People sitting in a movie theater and the movie becomes real
[ 2 Answers ]
It's a horror 3d movie. People sitting in a movie theater and the movie becomes real They get stuck in their seats..
Need movie title, vague discription, wartime, nurse, older movie, possibly 80's
[ 1 Answers ]
The scene I remember the best is her running out of the nursing shack armed with a shotgun, yelling something like "leave him alone" (referring to the soldier she fell in love with while caring for him) and shooting at the cars that are driving away from said shack. It is wintertime, snow is knee...
Movie where doofus police record a Movie over evidence video of a bank robbery.
[ 1 Answers ]
A movie was on the other night... where incompetent cops record "It's a Wonderful Life" over an important video tape of evidence against a bank robber. Anyone know what the movie was? I'd like to finish it.
Find movie title movie from the 70's horror or devil theme, red eyes in a curtain
[ 3 Answers ]
Farm or country property. People thought it was possesed or something. I remember one scene where the actors were looking at photographs of the house and one of the photos had red eyes in the curtains - This has been driving me crazy! Same time frame/era as GARGOYLES. View more questions Search