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    Tetraforce's Avatar
    Tetraforce Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Jul 17, 2009, 07:24 PM
    Man runs after cheating at poker, runs into Pioneering girl and boy
    Looks like something people who made little house on the prairie.

    It begins with a man who looks like the dad of little house on the prairie (tall, black wavy hair, nice fatherly jaw) at the very beginning, he's running from three thugs who are after him, he hides some cards under a rock in his passing, so he apparently cheated them in a poker game. He comes upon two children in a wagon. By themselves, going somewhere, the older sister (16ish, with pig tails) I think has a rifle to protect them, and I think she even holds up the man on their first encounter, cause she doesn't trust him. But over the course of the movie, while pretending to be a good guy, he actually becomes more of a responsible father figure to the children.

    But other than a few the images in my mind, enough to recognize it if I saw it, I'm missing much of the dialog that would help me know thinks like their names and the major plot details. At some point along their way, they are in a Native American village for a while, but I'm sure that's not where they are wanting to stop.

    Very Disney-eque, very old. In real color though.
    Lucas2009's Avatar
    Lucas2009 Posts: 129, Reputation: 21
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    Jul 18, 2009, 11:16 AM
    The movie you describe is called Across The Great Divide. It is still available on DVD. Amazon has it. Here's a Wikipedia link to a description of the movie.
    Lucas2009's Avatar
    Lucas2009 Posts: 129, Reputation: 21
    Junior Member

    Jul 18, 2009, 11:23 AM
    Whoops, sorry, bad link in previous answer. Try this one.
    Tetraforce's Avatar
    Tetraforce Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Jul 18, 2009, 12:43 PM

    Glory BEE! That's got to be it. *Worships*

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