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Cat runs through mirror to magical world, girl follows
[ 5 Answers ]
This is like a Through the Looking Glass type idea. It's a children's movie/TV special that started w/ a girl in her bedroom, and her cat runs through her mirror and ends up in a magical land. The girl follows and I think has to deal w/ some evil queen. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I...
Pump Runs and Runs Even When No Heat Is Needed
[ 1 Answers ]
I have a 4 zone hydronic heating system. It is a 15 year old Hydrotherm HI-B series boiler with a new circulator pump. It has been noticed that when none of the zones call for heat and the boiler is back up to temperature the pump continues to run, a waste of power since al the zone valves are...
AC fan runs slow, but switch to heat fan runs normal
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The other morning I came into the house and noticed the ac was not working. I turned off the breaker to the unit for a few minutes. Then turned it back on. Went to the thermostat pushed it over to auto and the fan came on but ran very slow. I them turned it off. Then turn on the heat, the fan...
Inside fan runs, outside fan runs, but air is not cold
[ 8 Answers ]
The inside fan runs and runs, the outside fan on the compressor runs and runs, but only hot air comes out. I sprayed the outside compressor coils with the garden hose to clean them and checked the inside filter. Is there something else I could check? Thanks View more questions Search