New Member
Oct 4, 2005, 10:24 PM
Looking for a late 80's/early 90's cartoon children's movie...
I must have seen this movie a hundred times and I have no clue what it is. The characters were creatures of some sort - mice, hedgehogs, something. The little sister of one of the mice, we'll call them for clarity's sake, got really sick and all the mice took her to an old woman mouse in the woods who lived in a tree, I think? The old woman mouse gave her some medicine but told the other mice they had to go find... something, medicine, maybe to cure her, and so they set off. Somewhere in the movie, later on in the middle, maybe, humans came in the forest and started gassing the place with poison gas and the fattest mouse couldn't run fast enough and got captured. In the end they built an airship out of a walnut, and maybe leaves for propellers, I believe, and... sailed away? Please. Please remember. Someone. And no, it is not The Rats of NIMH.
New Member
Oct 4, 2005, 10:39 PM
Never mind, I do believe it was Once Upon A Forest... can anyone confirm/deny this?
New Member
Feb 25, 2007, 04:55 PM
I haven't seen once upon a forest in about three years but from what I recall that is what it's called
New Member
May 1, 2007, 08:56 PM
 Originally Posted by superkupos
I must have seen this movie a hundred times and I have no clue what it is. The characters were creatures of some sort - mice, hedgehogs, something. The little sister of one of the mice, we'll call them for clarity's sake, got really sick and all the mice took her to an old woman mouse in the woods who lived in a tree, I think? The old woman mouse gave her some medicine but told the other mice they had to go find...something, medicine, maybe to cure her, and so they set off. Somewhere in the movie, later on in the middle, maybe, humans came in the forest and started gassing the place with poison gas and the fattest mouse couldn't run fast enough and got captured. In the end they built an airship out of a walnut, and maybe leaves for propellers, I believe, and....sailed away? Please. Please remember. Someone. And no, it is not The Rats of NIMH.
Was it "the secret of nimh" her son gets ill and she sets out to help with a mole I think that might be the one you are looking for
Full Member
May 1, 2007, 09:17 PM
It sounds like the sequal to "The secret of NIMH" but based on the walnut shell and leaf propeller helicopter it is most definitely "Once Upon a Forest" the plot line goes like this...
Some forest animals (a hedhog, a badger, a mouse and a mole) are at school when a broken glass bottle that some idiot threw onto the road caused a tanker truck containing poisonous gas to blow a tire and roll off the road, leaking the poisonous gas and killing the badgers parents. The little badger goes into her house to find her parents and becomes very ill. The kids take her back to the school teacher (also a badger) and he realizes he is out of the medicine that will cure her. He tells the kids that they must travel far away to find the special plant and they set off facing many challenges along the way. When they find it they make a flying machine to escape from some danger (I don't remember what, haven't seen the movie in like 8 years) but they get back in time to save the little badger.
Congrats on finding the answer yourself. Hope my synopsis jogged your memory a bit.
Full Member
May 1, 2007, 09:18 PM
 Originally Posted by Jesikab
was it "the secret of nimh" her son gets ill and she sets out to help with a mole i think that might be the one you are lookin for
Actually the one where her son gets sick is "The Secret of NIMH 2: Timmy to the Rescue" (1998)
New Member
May 9, 2007, 11:57 AM
 Originally Posted by Heidi12
i haven't seen once upon a forest in about three years but from what i recall that is what it's called
Once upon a forest is the one your looking for because they needed to find the root to go with the medicine to help their families.
New Member
May 22, 2007, 10:45 AM
 Originally Posted by spamicka
once upon a forest is the one your looking for because they needed to find the root to go with the medicine to help their families.
It is definatly Once upon a forest. I remember it too-we used to own it.:D Same description. One character was a mouse, one a hedgehog I think, a badger. In the movie there is a scene where a car on the road throws a glass bottle out of the car window and the next vehicle after them is some kind of tanker truck with poisen gas; the truck blows one of its tires from the glass bottle and hits the ditch where the truck emidiatley starts emitting the gas and the gas gets to where the animals live. Then the young ones all go to save their young friend Michelle who is now in a coma because of gas. The only way to save her is with the use of rare medical herbs, but all the plants in the area have been wiped out. This sets the stage for an adventurous and dangerous quest to save the young "furling" before its too late.
New Member
Jun 23, 2008, 01:35 PM
The movie is called Once Upon a Forest - It was my absolute favorite movie when I was younger!:)
New Member
Mar 17, 2010, 02:51 PM
Once upon a forest, not the nihm one.
New Member
Jan 8, 2011, 11:36 PM
It's Once Upon A Forest...
New Member
Nov 1, 2011, 08:34 AM
The secret of Nimh? It was about mice and her child was ill so she went to the rats for help and the farmer was cutting the crops or something so she had to move her house or get her son better before the tractor started working again.
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