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    Tetraforce's Avatar
    Tetraforce Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    May 20, 2009, 12:54 PM
    Live Action Sleeping Beauty movie in which a RED Fairy is the Villain
    It's a movie, live action. It's the old Sleeping Beauty/Briar Rose tale.

    The icons that set it apart are; I think a Red clothed women, I think it's a fairy that is the baddie. And the nexus of her vexness is the lack of a gold plate for her, as is required for the fairies to eat off.

    I think she was insulted by not being invited to a party, they didn't invite her because they didn't have enough solid gold dishes.

    Any-who, she sleeps for a hundred years, the castle is abandoned, over grown with vines and such, and prince finally comes along and is mysteriously drawn to go in.

    Of the millions of such movies, I've been having a really hard time filtering out which one this was.
    Tetraforce's Avatar
    Tetraforce Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    May 22, 2009, 01:48 PM

    I think that is a very plausible candidate. I have a good feeling about it. I'm buying a foreign DVD (cause that's the only DVD available) and I confirm it.

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