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Entire lifetime of nightmares
[ 71 Answers ]
Hello, I am a 54 year old male, living in South Carolina. I have spent an entire lifetime thus far suffering from chronic nightmares. I had constant nightmares as far back as age 4 or 5 in my memory, can still remember some specific nightmares back to the mid 1950s. To my knowledge, I have never...
Title of lifetime movie
[ 1 Answers ]
The movie was about a guy who had a heart transplant and his family researched the person who donated the heart... if you know the title please let me know :)
We couldve been a lifetime movie I swear.
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Okay before I get into this,I just want to warn everyone.We were really crazy.ok... I had a crush on this guy that was a translator at my middle school when I was twelve.He was nine years older then me.His student was a year above me and when he moved on up to the high school,so did... View more questions Search