New Member
Sep 5, 2006, 08:28 PM
Late 80's early 90's children's movie about penguins
OK I'm about to be 19 and the movie I'm looking for I ALWAYS watched when I was younger. It was about two baby penguins there was a blue one and a pink one and they get captured and put on a ship (I think it was winter). They are trying to escape from the ship and they hide behind a bunch of crates. I think a walrus tries to eat them and I remember something about them being in a gold color cage near the end but that may not be right. None of my friends know what I'm talking about PLEASE help me!!
I also vaguley remember them being found and taken away in a hot air ballon but this could also not be true the only part I am sure of is right up to the sentence that ends in crates.
I will go insane if I don't find this movie!!
New Member
Sep 8, 2006, 10:01 PM
SCAMPER THE PENGUIN. And they met a friend who was named macaroni? Because he was a macaroni penguin? I don't know
New Member
Sep 9, 2006, 10:37 PM
OMG thank you so much that was driving me nuts!!
New Member
Apr 12, 2007, 07:54 AM
I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! I was also trying to find it. I used to watch it all the time!
Full Member
Apr 12, 2007, 12:22 PM
I loved that movie when I was little. I'd completely forgotten about it. I have it somewhere so now I'm going to go watch it! Whoopie!
New Member
May 12, 2007, 06:30 PM
It's Scamper the Penguin! I have almost the same memories of the movie, and it took me ages to finally find it! :) I just turned 21 - apparently it was big back then? ;)
New Member
Sep 14, 2007, 09:20 PM
I loved this movie as well! The name of the movie is "The Chipmunk Adventure"! It was and Alvin and the Chipmunks film, and basically was about them traveling the world, and the save the baby penguins and return them home in the end. Oh man, I was actually looking for another movie, and wasn't registered on this site, but I joined just because I needed to help out with this one. Haha have fun watching the movie!
New Member
Apr 27, 2008, 09:59 PM
 Originally Posted by thelittlelemur
ok I'm about to be 19 and the movie I'm lookin for I ALWAYS watched when I was younger. It was about two baby penguins there was a blue one and a pink one and they get captured and put on a ship (I think it was winter). They are trying to escape from the ship and they hide behind a bunch of crates. I think a walrus tries to eat them and I remember something about them being in a gold color cage near the end but that may not be right. None of my friends know what i'm talkin about PLEASE help me!!!!!
I also vaguley remember them bein found and taken away in a hot air ballon but this could also not be true the only part I am sure of is right up to the sentence that ends in crates.
I will go insane if I don't find this movie!!!!!
Hahah the hot air balloon is alvin and the chipmunks but i love love love the movie your talking about i was giong crazy for it im 19 and also watched it almost everyday when i was younger
New Member
Sep 6, 2009, 11:23 PM
I was looking for the same movie, I guess everyone who grew up with it is now trying to remember again because we missed it ^_^ I love it
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