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    SunnyBlack's Avatar
    SunnyBlack Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 30, 2021, 08:27 PM
    Independent european gangster comedy?
    Been trying to find a movie for the last 5 years regarding a girl that is owes money to a gangster and is now forced to collect for him and a gigolo con man that owes money to the same gangster (I think).

    The girl and her partner bump into the conman while making collections and the girls partner catches a bullet.
    The girl and conman are left with bag full of money and need to escape the main gangsters wrath. The conman eventually leaves the country but giving the girl his location at the end of the movie.

    The only thing I remember sticking out was this one scene when the girl was collecting and everyone had guns to their head in a Mexican standoff and they did some matrix circle-cam thing.

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