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Very Very Vague Description of 80's Children Movie... Need movie title
[ 8 Answers ]
Ok there's probably no hope here but I'll try anyway... There is a movie I watched when I was very young and would like to get a hold of it. It was in the mid 80's when I watched it but the movie could have been made in the 70's sometime. Pretty much the only part I can remember is these...
Comedy/Horror Movie.. don't know the title?
[ 5 Answers ]
Okay.. heres another one for you guys... Character is a woman who has problems with her husband, well she's at home alone(apartment/hotel) reading a horror book, and as she reads everything starts to really happen. The first story that she reads is about a monster that comes to life and I think...
Fantasy/horror movie with trick ending
[ 3 Answers ]
I'm trying to figure out what the title of a movie is that I saw in the 80's on a cable station. All I saw was the ending, and it involved a boy waking up from a terrible nightmare (which apparently was the whole movie). He goes to his kitchen and maybe chats with someone. He returns to his...
70's horror movie
[ 3 Answers ]
I'm trying to remember the name of a movie I saw as a young kid at the drive-in.. The only part I really remember is this guy puts on a suit and the collar tightens and strangles him.. Then I remember him dead in the back of a garbage truck wrapped in a dry cleaners bag, and the truck was smashing...
Children watched a forbidden horror movie
[ 14 Answers ]
Gee I hope I'm not posting too many questions about children and babies! I must look like an idiot. But I really need the extra support and I always receive such good answers here... Yesterday my husband and I hired a babysitter for part of the evening, so that we could go out together. The... View more questions Search