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Late 80's or early 90's HBO horror/adult movie
[ 2 Answers ]
Please help me! :eek: There was this movie that was shown on HBO in the late 80's to early 90's about vampires, but it wasn't just a horror movie it was also kind of like an adult movie because the vampires went to a mansion on a hill to have well... (there's really not a nice way of putting...
80's movie that was always on hbo
[ 2 Answers ]
Can anyone tell me the title of this movie that was always on HBO in the mid 80's. It was about a rebel kid who was picked on. Some people eventually chased him into some woods or small island, and he defended himself by throwing sticks of dynamite. I remember he had blonde hair and his name might...
70's horror movie
[ 3 Answers ]
I'm trying to remember the name of a movie I saw as a young kid at the drive-in.. The only part I really remember is this guy puts on a suit and the collar tightens and strangles him.. Then I remember him dead in the back of a garbage truck wrapped in a dry cleaners bag, and the truck was smashing...
Please help on hbo 80s movie
[ 5 Answers ]
On HBO there was a movie about dancing or breakdancing.. THere was a girl that had dark skin and very long and curly hair on it. It was on hbo in the 80s I think. Can anyone tell me the name of the movie Thanks!:confused:
Help WIth an 80's HBO Cartoon Movie
[ 1 Answers ]
The movie I remember was a cartoon Japanese style movie. I remember seeing it on HBO almost 17 to 18 years ago. At the beginning there was a mother pegasus on a cloud with her babies. Soemehow one of the babies ended up on earth where he came to a young woman and believe there was a black cat.... View more questions Search