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Early 90s or maybe late 80s Ghost horror TV movie with many hauntings
[ 6 Answers ]
I still think its an early 90s TV movie, but Im not sure. Anyway it was about a family who moves into a new house wich is haunted by numerous amount of ghosts. One rapes the families father and a dark shadowy figure is seen everywhere. The neighboughs even hear and see the loud screams and flashing...
Cartoon from late 80s or early 90s of a school of vampires ,mumies,ghouls,and ghost
[ 3 Answers ]
I am trying to find a cartoon I used to watch in either the late 80s or early 90s.the cartoon containd a vampire,mummie,ghouls,and ghost.they were all children that went to school
Name of late 80s/early 90s horror/ghost/slasher film
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I'm looking for the title of a this ghost/haunted house film. I don't recall much about it, but it came on pay channels back then (late 80s/early 90s). Here is all I recall: It is night, and some people (teenagers?) end up finding/arriving at (I can't remember if they were stranded, had car...
80s/90s TV show with girl ghost
[ 7 Answers ]
Someone please remember this show! It was an english or Australian show, as the actors had accent, where there was a family who moved into a new house and I think that the house they moved into used to be this girl's.. who is also in the show but as a ghost? Basically the show was about the... View more questions Search