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Comedy/Horror Movie.. don't know the title?
[ 5 Answers ]
Okay.. heres another one for you guys... Character is a woman who has problems with her husband, well she's at home alone(apartment/hotel) reading a horror book, and as she reads everything starts to really happen. The first story that she reads is about a monster that comes to life and I think...
Horror Movie Title, Please?
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I'm almost 23. When I was little(probably between 3 and 5, maybe a little older) my dad rented a movie from our video store. The only thing that I remember is the killer dismembering a body in a bath tub and sticking the body parts in black trash bags. I'm not 100% sure, but it was either the...
70's horror movie
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I'm trying to remember the name of a movie I saw as a young kid at the drive-in.. The only part I really remember is this guy puts on a suit and the collar tightens and strangles him.. Then I remember him dead in the back of a garbage truck wrapped in a dry cleaners bag, and the truck was smashing...
80s or 90s (?) Fantasy Movie Title
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Ok, so I vaguely remember watching a fantasy movie over 10 years ago where there was something about trying to save some unicorns (someone was trying to kill them perhaps?). There was lots of snow at some point and I thinK I remember goblins or something like them. This is so frustrating because...
Children watched a forbidden horror movie
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Gee I hope I'm not posting too many questions about children and babies! I must look like an idiot. But I really need the extra support and I always receive such good answers here... Yesterday my husband and I hired a babysitter for part of the evening, so that we could go out together. The... View more questions Search