New Member
Jul 23, 2006, 10:47 PM
Comedy/Horror Movie.. Dont know the title?
Okay.. heres another one for you guys...
Character is a woman who has problems with her husband, well she's at home alone(apartment/hotel) reading a horror book, and as she reads everything starts to really happen. The first story that she reads is about a monster that comes to life and I think it takes place across the hall from her or in a totally different building.
Second story I think is about a reporter or something, the lady he works with turns into some kind of monster.
*I'm not sure if these stories fall in this order or not.*
Third story is about somekind of killer and there's something wrong with him, I think he cuts off different body parts and sows them onto himself. He's dressed in black and I think his face is always covered. I'm trying to be as descriptive as possible.. hehe. If you think you might know I would appreciate it. Thanks!
New Member
Aug 18, 2007, 05:09 PM
This stories sound to me like "Tales from the Crypt":rolleyes:
New Member
Sep 5, 2007, 04:56 PM
 Originally Posted by lilsweets3138
Okay..heres another one for you guys...
Character is a woman who has problems with her husband, well shes at home alone(apartment/hotel) reading a horror book, and as she reads everything starts to really happen. The first story that she reads is about a monster that comes to life and I think it takes place across the hall from her or in a totally diffrent building.
Second story I think is about a reporter or something, the lady he works with turns into some kind of monster.
*I'm not sure if these stories fall in this order or not.*
Third story is about somekind of killer and theres something wrong with him, I think he cuts off diffrent body parts and sows them onto himself. He's dressed in black and I think his face is always covered. I'm trying to be as descriptive as possible..hehe. If you think ya might know I would appreciate it. Thanks!
No no no. This is the movie your looking for!
ASYLUM (Roy Ward Baker, 1972)
Plot Synopsis: A young psychiatrist interviews four inmates in a mental asylum to satisfy a requirement for employment. He hears stories about 1) the revenge of a murdered wife, 2) a tailor who makes a suit with some highly unusual qualities, 3) a woman who questions her sanity when it appears that her brother is conspiring against her, and 4) a man who builds tiny toy robots with lifelike human heads.
Copied from Amazon.com
New Member
Sep 6, 2007, 04:19 PM
 Originally Posted by imback2nite
No no no. This is the movie your looking for!!
ASYLUM (Roy Ward Baker, 1972)
Plot Synopsis: A young psychiatrist interviews four inmates in a mental asylum to satisfy a requirement for employment. He hears stories about 1) the revenge of a murdered wife, 2) a tailor who makes a suit with some highly unusual qualities, 3) a woman who questions her sanity when it appears that her brother is conspiring against her, and 4) a man who builds tiny toy robots with lifelike human heads.
Copied from Amazon.com
Dear imback2nite,
You should get in an asylum. The stories described are NOT like the ones you say. Perhaps you should read the message again. And take someone with you to help you if you re having difficulties in reading.:D
Sorry about the comment. No hard feelings? Hah?;)
Junior Member
Nov 1, 2008, 03:34 PM
It could be a film called freaky fairytales
New Member
Jun 22, 2010, 04:18 AM
Tales from the crypt or creepshow
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