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Looking for an 80's or 90's children's fantasy movie
[ 20 Answers ]
There is a children's movie that I can't get out of my head. It had something to do with a real little girl who travels through a mirror and encounters a witch. I also think there were some puppets that became her friends. I don't remember too many details because I was really young but I...
Title of 80's kid fantasy movie
[ 2 Answers ]
This movie came on YTV (Canadian youth television channel) all the time when I was a kid, which was in the early 90's but the movie I think was made probably in the early 80's. What I remember most is these kids going to this fantasy land, I think the kids meet this blonde midget, little guy in a...
Another 80s fantasy movie title
[ 3 Answers ]
Well, I have never been able to find anyone who remembers these movies but since I see that two others on this website have had their questions answered I thought I would give it a try. There are actually two movies I am trying to find that I used to watch as a kid in the 80s. We had basic cable...
80s or 90s (?) Fantasy Movie Title
[ 6 Answers ]
Ok, so I vaguely remember watching a fantasy movie over 10 years ago where there was something about trying to save some unicorns (someone was trying to kill them perhaps?). There was lots of snow at some point and I thinK I remember goblins or something like them. This is so frustrating because...
Title to an 80's fantasy movie
[ 5 Answers ]
My friends and I are on a quest to find the title to a fantasy movie from the 80's. All we can remember is it has two kids about 9-10 on a quest to find a man in a castle w/ a heart of stone and to kill him w/ a sword they get late in the movie. They do kill the guy, when they do, his heart... View more questions Search