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80's or 90's kid Movie Help
[ 5 Answers ]
This is driving me crazy because I want to see this movie again but I forgot what it called But I will tell you what the movie is all about. I think there is 2 prince and a girl with them as a friend but the 2 prince don't know who they are. But when bad guys want to fight the oldest prince but...
Title of 80's kid fantasy movie
[ 2 Answers ]
This movie came on YTV (Canadian youth television channel) all the time when I was a kid, which was in the early 90's but the movie I think was made probably in the early 80's. What I remember most is these kids going to this fantasy land, I think the kids meet this blonde midget, little guy in a...
Kid marial arts movie from early 90's
[ 2 Answers ]
I'm trying to find the name of a kid's martial arts movie from the early 90's, the movie starts in like Taiwan or Mongolia or something, and these 3 boys and one of their mom are on vacation there, and they're riding water buffalo, and get chased by some bad guys, and when they get back to the US,...
Movie from when I was a kid
[ 2 Answers ]
There was a movie that I barely rememberd that I use to watch over and over again and again I don't really remember too much about it I think there was a little orphan girl I think her name was polly and she had to go live with her aunt on a swamp and she was some crazy lady and this girl had I...
Dead guy robot movie... Kid show?
[ 2 Answers ]
This guy was a scientist and dies and his soul gets transmutated into a robot that looks a lot like a wet vac with a pasta strainer for the head, 90's disner channle favorite View more questions Search