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Hot Dogs For Dogs
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My 20 Month Old -13 Lb Female Shih Tzu Has Always Been A Picky Eater. Recently We Gave Her A Beef Hot Dog... she Won't Eat Anything Else. I Give Her 2 Hot Dogs At Noon & 2 At 6pm... she Lovvvvvvvvves Them & Is Happy As Can Be. Am I Feeding Her Too Much & Is She Getting Proper Nutrition? Thank You
Cartoon with dogs
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OK I remember a cartoon from the 90s. I think it was on cartoon network. It was about these dogs who looked like great danes. They were like white or grey. They were human like, they could talk and stand upright. Anyway the flew around in jets and attacked bad guys. They carried weapons and...
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The past few days when we flush our toilet it does not always flush, instead it sits there and begins to leak from under the toilet. It only seems to happen if we have recently used the shower though. When it does finally flush there is a loud gurgling noise in my bathroom sink and shower. Also,...
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An old animated film with dogs that used doors that were like portals?
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I have been searching for this movie for some time now. I remember watching it when I was between 7-12 years old... I'm 24 now, no I'm not going through a mid-life crisis. -This movie or possibly a cartoon series was made sometime in the 80's or very early 90's. Story: From what I remember,... View more questions Search