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An old Black & White movie, help!
[ 2 Answers ]
I watched an old B & W movie about man who played a "downtrodden" individual to find out what it was like to live such a life. It was a social experiment on his part but he was really a movie director. A lady (his co-star) bought into his plight in life, initially. She bought him some coffee...
Blue wire connected to white or black?
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I was given a Hampton bay ceiling fan but no installation manual. Does the blue wire get connected to the white or black house wire?
Blue, Black and White wires in celing fan
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I removed a ceiling fan to replace a switch but did not note the wires. Now I want to replace the fan but find it has Blue, Black and White wires, whereas the wires coming from the ceiling are only White and Black. It also has a green wire attached to the casing. Does the blue and black wire...
White vs Black pvc Sewer Piping
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In 3" pvc sewer piping What is the difference between the white and the black? Can you mix the two in the same sewer run? My house is 30 or so years old, I have both white and black in the same run (white horizontal and black vertical) it was that way from the day I bought it some 8 years... View more questions Search