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80's animated kids movie PLEASE HELP!
[ 3 Answers ]
Ok so I always used to watch this movie when I stayed home sick from school. I don't remember much, but here goes... It was animated kind of like the last unicorn, but the colors were mainly fall colors... very orange. It was set among the hills... I think on a castle or there was some sort of...
Late 70's Early 80's Cult movie
[ 1 Answers ]
I am trying to find the title of this movie. It was about some dorky kid who spilled something or drank something and turned into some kind of mutant thing and started killing off everyone who abused him. It was a really bad movie but I need to see it again. The kicker here is that I just...
Ok, another lost movie title, late 70's early 80's
[ 1 Answers ]
When I was a kid I saw it several times, but I can't remember the title. So I remember this much. There's 2 kids, who sneak on a boat. They find out about this message in a bottle from some relative. So they go on this crazy advernture, sliding down snowy mountains, meeting people, and at the...
Obscure 80's animated movie gnomes
[ 3 Answers ]
Hey, I've looked everywhere for this movie with no luck. It's reminiscent of David the Gnome (but is not!). The storyline is that there is a young fairy or gnome with a grandfather gnome with a bright red nose and two fairy/gnome friends. The fairy happens across a house where she hears a piano...
80's or 70's movie
[ 1 Answers ]
I've been trying to find the title to a movie I only seen once when I was about 7 years old... All I can remember is a woman cocooned in a bath room and a young boy collects large eggs that come out of her... And I remember the end a woman picks up one of the eggs and a claw comes out of the eggs... View more questions Search