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Very Very Vague Description of 80's Children Movie... Need movie title
[ 8 Answers ]
Ok there's probably no hope here but I'll try anyway... There is a movie I watched when I was very young and would like to get a hold of it. It was in the mid 80's when I watched it but the movie could have been made in the 70's sometime. Pretty much the only part I can remember is these...
Movie Title Help? 80's Movie?
[ 6 Answers ]
Hello All. I need help with the title of a movie I remember from when I was younger. I think the movie was made in the 80's, but possibly early 90's. The main character was a man who came back to earth to help the son of a woman who he loved. She is now married and has a son in High School. I...
Looking for an 80's sci-fi movie
[ 1 Answers ]
I'm looking for a movie I saw a very long time ago, I Don't have much info about it, just the following: - It took place in December 1999, just before the end of the century. So at the time the movie was made, 1999 was about 15-20 years in the future. - Hockey goals were electronic...
I think it's an 80's movie
[ 2 Answers ]
I've have been thinking about this movie off and on for years, so I hope someone can help me. All I can really remember is there's some guy that I believe is in high school, but he turns into some kind of monster, but he's a good monster and the principal or dean of the school turns out to be the...
80's movie name
[ 1 Answers ]
O.K... it's been awhile. It's early 80's. This kid gets this new video game, but the game has some microchip in it. Some spies are after the microchip. They end up killing the video game clerk guy that the kid is friends with. The kid has a imaginary friend guy. It's driving me nuts. Two of the... View more questions Search