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80's animated kids movie PLEASE HELP!
[ 3 Answers ]
Ok so I always used to watch this movie when I stayed home sick from school. I don't remember much, but here goes... It was animated kind of like the last unicorn, but the colors were mainly fall colors... very orange. It was set among the hills... I think on a castle or there was some sort of...
80's kids movie with leprechaun
[ 4 Answers ]
Driving me crazy! No one believes that this movie exists. About two children who meet a leprechaun who takes them to a world on the other side of the rainbow using gold dust. The people in the other world worship this monster thing, like a huge moon, and slide into its mouth and are either turned...
80's kids movie
[ 2 Answers ]
Knowing my luck Im not going to be able to get an answer, but here it is anyways: In the beginning of the movie it was a boy and a girl and they get the larger dolls with short curly hair and then the kids hug them the dolls come to life. Then the dolls and the kids both go into the mirror into...
80's kids movie
[ 2 Answers ]
Hi all, I remember this movie from when I was younger but can't remember the title. It was about kids that would ice skate and then they talked to a snowman that could talk back to them. The snowmans name was Mr. Kumico or something like that. View more questions Search