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80's... maybe EARLY 90's movie...
[ 11 Answers ]
Okay, I'm looking for a movie that I remember back when I was little. I want to say it's an 80's movie. It was around the time The Last Unicorn came out. I think I remember seeing a preview for Kiko's Mail Service on the tape. Anyway its about a little girl who like goes to a place in the clouds. I...
80's or 90's scifi movie
[ 5 Answers ]
Okey, I have seen two movies when I was little that I am stuck with! One was The Wraith (Turbo Interceptor), thankfully I got this one and watched it again and got it out of my system. The other one is tricky, here isi what I remember : 1. it's a robot movie of some sorts 2. a scientist is...
Late 80's early 90's TV show
[ 16 Answers ]
Trying to remember the name of a TV show from the late 80's or early 90's about a guy who fought crime in a black robotic looking suit... not batman... live action... drove a modified motorcycle. He had an African American buddy who whore classic sunglasses that flipped up... That's all I...
This is a tough one... 80's - early 90's TV show/movie
[ 9 Answers ]
OK I saw this animated show/movie (can't remember which it was) on TV when I was really young. It couldn't have been before 1985. It involved a witch or sorcerer who had the ablity to turn people into stone. The villain hyponotized the young men of the village and used them to round up all...
Help! Another children's 80's or early 90's movie
[ 6 Answers ]
All I remember from this movie is that this girl used to go through the closet in her bedroom to another land. I can't remember what she had to do there, but there was an evil lady that ate cherries out of an enclosed glass case to stay youthful. Towards the end the case got knocked over and the... View more questions Search