New Member
May 28, 2006, 09:36 PM
80s or 90s (?) Fantasy Movie Title
Ok, so I vaguely remember watching a fantasy movie over 10 years ago where there was something about trying to save some unicorns (someone was trying to kill them perhaps?). There was lots of snow at some point and I thinK I remember goblins or something like them. This is so frustrating because that's all I have to go on! I remember loving the movie and I just want to know the title so I can watch it again! Anyone have a clue as to what movie it was?
New Member
May 28, 2006, 10:03 PM
OH MY GOD That's IT. I so don't remember Tom Cruise being in it but the summary on IMDB is exact. Thank you so much!
Senior Member
May 30, 2006, 08:04 AM
Great movie! Falls in with labryth and some other good ones... lol. I found it at best buy and f.y.e. You might check online I'm sure you could find it pretty cheap.
New Member
Sep 16, 2007, 09:27 PM
 Originally Posted by AarCo
Ok, so I vaguely remember watching a fantasy movie over 10 years ago where there was something about trying to save some unicorns (someone was trying to kill them perhaps?). There was lots of snow at some point and I thinK I remember goblins or something like them. This is so frustrating because that's all I have to go on! I remember loving the movie and I just want to know the title so I can watch it again! Anyone have a clue as to what movie it was??
1983 movie legend with tom cruise
Full Member
Sep 17, 2007, 11:35 PM
The legend, a great movie, one of my favs when I was younger
New Member
Sep 19, 2007, 06:15 PM
 Originally Posted by AarCo
Ok, so I vaguely remember watching a fantasy movie over 10 years ago where there was something about trying to save some unicorns (someone was trying to kill them perhaps?). There was lots of snow at some point and I thinK I remember goblins or something like them. This is so frustrating because that's all I have to go on! I remember loving the movie and I just want to know the title so I can watch it again! Anyone have a clue as to what movie it was??
Sound like it might be The Last Unicorn. Some guy has a red bull who herd all the unicorns and they are help captive until the last one goes in search of the others thinking she can't possibly be the last one
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