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    cthompson210's Avatar
    cthompson210 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 29, 2007, 01:41 AM
    80's/90's animated film title search
    Hello all,
    For some time I have tried to get the few images I recall from an animated feature I saw when younger to stick with someone, but no luck yet. Here is what I got: A little boy is on a journey that at one point takes him through a swamp. And I believe he drives or rides in a car, and encounters a swamp creature. If I recall correctly the swamp creature was sleepy or the swamp made every one sleepy, as did being there manipulate time. ALSO, there DEFINETELY was a older weatherman character that climbed up a staircase toward the sky, at the end of which he floated off of into the air with weather balloons he held. Please help!! Much appreciated. :confused:
    Purukivel's Avatar
    Purukivel Posts: 1,177, Reputation: 242
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    Jun 29, 2007, 09:16 AM
    I believe you may be talking about The Phantom Tollbooth, based on the classic children's novel.
    mag oblivious's Avatar
    mag oblivious Posts: 22, Reputation: 4
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    Jun 30, 2007, 04:01 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by cthompson210
    Hello all,
    For some time I have tried to get the few images I recall from an animated feature I saw when younger to stick with someone, but no luck yet. Here is what I got: A little boy is on a journey that at one point takes him through a swamp. and i believe he drives or rides in a car, and encounters a swamp creature. If I recall correctly the swamp creature was sleepy or the swamp made every one sleepy, as did being there manipulate time. ALSO, there DEFINETELY was a older weatherman character that climbed up a staircase toward the sky, at the end of which he floated off of into the air with weather balloons he held. Please help!!!! Much appreciated. :confused:
    Sounds like the neverending story.
    AmberGizmo's Avatar
    AmberGizmo Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 30, 2011, 06:42 AM
    Totally the Phantom Tollbooth. The "swamp" was filled with these lazy things and they made the boy lazy The "whether" man was in it, and there was the king of letters and the king of numbers and they were fighting. It's a really nostalgic movie. It doesn't start as an animated movie though, you have to wait a bit until the tollbooth shows up in his room, and when he passes through it in that sweet tiny car THEN it becomes animated. I remember the noise song was really fun lol oh and the Spelling Bee! Awesome movie.


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