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Trying to find 70's kung fu movie.
[ 6 Answers ]
I am trying to find a kung fu movie possible in the 70's vintage period. This movies plot involves a young student of the Tiger style that has not mastered it due to his Masters murder. He then has to avenge his master but must combine Crane style to 'fill in the gaps'. One of the training...
Ok, another lost movie title, late 70's early 80's
[ 1 Answers ]
When I was a kid I saw it several times, but I can't remember the title. So I remember this much. There's 2 kids, who sneak on a boat. They find out about this message in a bottle from some relative. So they go on this crazy advernture, sliding down snowy mountains, meeting people, and at the...
70's horror movie
[ 3 Answers ]
I'm trying to remember the name of a movie I saw as a young kid at the drive-in.. The only part I really remember is this guy puts on a suit and the collar tightens and strangles him.. Then I remember him dead in the back of a garbage truck wrapped in a dry cleaners bag, and the truck was smashing...
Toys in a store, late 70's early 80's
[ 1 Answers ]
This may have been a TV movie, it was about toys in a store trying to get to either santa or the toy dept. I don't think it was a cartoon.
70's or 80's TV
[ 2 Answers ]
For God's sake help me here. I was talking to my wife about a TV show that I had seen, but she thinks I am nuts. It is a movie about 2 kids that run away from home. They hide out in a museum and live there. I remember it was an older sister and her brother. The brother took a bath in the... View more questions Search