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Comedy/Horror Movie.. don't know the title?
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Okay.. heres another one for you guys... Character is a woman who has problems with her husband, well she's at home alone(apartment/hotel) reading a horror book, and as she reads everything starts to really happen. The first story that she reads is about a monster that comes to life and I think...
Horror Movie Title, Please?
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I'm almost 23. When I was little(probably between 3 and 5, maybe a little older) my dad rented a movie from our video store. The only thing that I remember is the killer dismembering a body in a bath tub and sticking the body parts in black trash bags. I'm not 100% sure, but it was either the...
Trying to find 70's kung fu movie.
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80's or 70's movie
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I've been trying to find the title to a movie I only seen once when I was about 7 years old... All I can remember is a woman cocooned in a bath room and a young boy collects large eggs that come out of her... And I remember the end a woman picks up one of the eggs and a claw comes out of the eggs... View more questions Search