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80's kids sci-fi movie
[ 3 Answers ]
Hey guys, Been buggin me for a while, I remember a film in the 80's where 3 kids built a spaceship out of an old washine machine and other crap and there was a computer whizzkid who made this bubble float using his computer who then used the bubble to fly the spaceship. It's been buggin me,...
Looking for an 80's sci-fi movie
[ 1 Answers ]
I'm looking for a movie I saw a very long time ago, I Don't have much info about it, just the following: - It took place in December 1999, just before the end of the century. So at the time the movie was made, 1999 was about 15-20 years in the future. - Hockey goals were electronic...
80's sci fi movie name
[ 3 Answers ]
I think it is a 1980's sci-fi/horror film. Aliens come into a small town and start to control people. You can tell a person has been "transformed" because there is something on the back of their necks... What is the name of this movie?? :confused:
Name of 80's sci-fi movie ?
[ 2 Answers ]
There was this movie in the 80's about this kid who in the beginning goes out in the woods after his dog and can't find him and when he gets back to his house it's like 10 years later. Also, there is this alien computer ship that is really sleek and silver and he rides in it. Anyone know the name? View more questions Search